Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Returning to Kampot

Returning to Kampot in the beginning of June was for me like coming home.
It was somehow like i never left, and at the same time, so many things had changed. Some people had left, new ones had arrived, and saying good buy to some while there, all very emotional. Some  business had closed including my old guesthouse Blissful, many new ones had opened, or were in the process, including the old Blissful that has been taken over by Monkey Republic and it going through a major transformation.

I was supposed to have stayed for two weeks, but after less than one week, I realized that 2 weeks were never gonna be enough, so extended my visit for another month. 
The 6 weeks flew by, and I really enjoyed spending time catching up with old friends, meeting new one, and just adjusting to speed of Kampot life. 
Below are just a snap of some of the many pictures I took while in Kampot, and I can't wait to get back there. Soon. 
Great Japanese dinner with old friends. 

Having fun at "good to go" with borrowed kids. 

I never get tired of this view! 

Dressed up for wedding in hometown of Svay Rieng

On way to countryside wedding with Srey mum and daughter. Khmer style ;) 

Champa Lodge in Kampot, meet up with an old friend i haven't seen for a good 8 years. Good times

Being spoiled at Rikitikitavi,Kampot

Favorite sunset, favorit hangout, favorite Kohm and Kristian, favorite ribs. 

Karaoke with the girls and a bottle of Jonny... 99 us only.... 
Bokor is still a mysterious place, (and so is Max ;) )

Water, mystery, magic and Alpha. 

Wonder what it will look like in ten years... 

This very spot is where we slept 12 years earlier during a new years party. Things are changing in the Kingdom. 

Yeah Mao, watching over the sea. She is a symbol of the southern coast and looks after the fishermen. 

Alpha insist on it being upside down. The memory of a great day and a great friendship. 

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